Die Einteilung im Detail
The classification of our skill levels is based on the performance criteria of the Tyrolean Ski Instructors Association (“Tiroler Skilehrerverband”)
For Children
I have absolutely NO skiing experience.
I have skied before and am learning how to snow plow.
I am able to snow plow and to stop. On easy terrain, I can already do some turns.
I'm a regular skier and manage "blue" as well as some "red" slopes in a snow plow position.
I'm almost a "ski racer"! I manage steep slopes and am working on keeping my skies in a parallel position.
I keep my skies almost always in a parallel position. I enjoy skiing steep slopes and/or like to do tricks on the slope or in the park.
For Adults
I have absolutely NO skiing experience.
I have skied before and am learning how to snow plow.
I am able to snow plow and to stop. On easy terrain, I can already do some turns.
I'm a regular skier and manage "blue" as well as some "red" slopes in a snow plow position.
I'm almost a "ski racer"! I manage steep slopes and am confident driving on "red" slopes
I'm confident in skiing "black" slopes
I have absolutely NO snowboarding experience.
I have snowboarded before and am learning how to slide on the board.
I am able to slide and to stop. On easy terrain, I can already do some turns.
I'm a regular snowboarder and manage "blue" as well as some "red" slopes in a snow plow position.
I'm almost a "snowboard racer"! I manage steep slopes and have great control over my board.
I control the direction and speed easily when I ride steep slopes and like to do some tricks on the slope and in the park.
Für dieses Level ist die Teilnahme ab dem ersten Kurstag verbindlich. Wählen Sie bitte als Startdatum den ersten Kurstag (i.d.R. Montag).
Dieses Level ist für diesen Kurs nicht buchbar. Bitte wählen Sie ein anderes Angebot.
Dieses Level ist für diesen Kurs nicht buchbar. Bitte wählen Sie „Gruppenkurs halbtags“ oder ein anderes Produkt.